Friday, June 18, 2010

Departure & Arrival Info.

The last day was pretty tough, but we finished EVERY project!!!! We are excited to be headed home tomorrow and can't wait to see everyone.

We will be leaving Savannah around 6:45am (prob. 7am- but I can dream) ;)..

We should arrive at Plymouth around 2pm (We add extra time for stopping, etc)... If there are any scheduling changes, we will let you know!

Thanks for your support this week!!!

See you in a few hours!

Lawrence, Doug and Cameron's completed painting project!!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

One more day!

It's crunch time for most of the crews because we only have one more day to finish our sites! Some crews finished today (Heather, Allie, Seth, Robert and Taylor's crew did)... others have a long way to go... one more 9 hour day and hopefully everyone will finish.

Today was tiring for most of us as we are mostly tuckered out, but a lot of us were able to hang out tonight and get some energy back. Tyler and I (Lawrence) were really excited when Heather found Chick-fil-a sandwhiches in her dorm refridgerator tonight- the food here has not been the best ;)...

Tomorrow is a pretty eventful day as we will finish up at our sites and also meet with our crews for the last time. It is kind of sad for some and happy for those who want to sleep in their own houses! :) Worship was good tonight as we talked about the cloud of witnesses around us and the legacy we are leaving. We learned that 9 out of 10 people in Savannah do not attend any church... all the more reason what we are doing in Christ's name is important this week!

Your students are excited to see you on Saturday... Look for details on estimated departure and arrival times in tomorrow's blog post!

One more day!!

At the block party on Wednesday!!

Doug and Cameron working at the site (Lawrence's Crew)

Seth hammering away on the roof!

In the cafeteria!

Taylor on the roof!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Second Day Drags...

Today was a great day of work for everyone, but the week is catching up with us! All of us worked the day away and got a lot done, but the heat and work is catching up to most of us. We ended the work day early and had a community block party with inflatables, food and games... it was fun, but very HOT! We left a little early as a group and headed out for dinner (there were 600 people at the block party and one line for the hotdogs... neadless to say, most didnt get one)... we ended up "exploring" Savannah looking for Applebees but ended up just going to Golden Corral... it seemed to work in hyping the kids back up... they all got to hang out as a group again for the first time since we got off the bus Monday... it was a great dinner!

Two days left and us adults are not sure how we will make it! :)... we are excited about the work we are doing, but at the same time are looking forward to our own beds and homes and seeing all of you!

Thanks for your continued prayers and for thinking of us! Keep sending the Encouragrams!!

Heather a little tuckered out on her roof project!

Heather and Taylor taking a break from roofing!

Ninja has become a popular game as Seth and Taylor show in the background!

Allie using her roofing skills!

Heather, Allie, Robert, Seth and Taylor's house after the rain storm yesterday caused the plastic to blow off the exposed roof and started a leak... the leak turned into the ceiling collapsing!! No worries thought, they are still working on the roof and another crew is working on fixing the ceiling! (This is just one of three large holes caused by the leaking!!)

** If you have not seen pictures of your student yet, don't worry, we will try to get them on the blog... we have one camera and we are all spread out and most of us are not together during the day!

All in a Day's Work!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Thoughts on the first day of work!!

Tyler Wood – World Changers has been physically exhausting but spiritually uplifting. God is so loving and faithful- He is moving in powerful ways while we worship Him.
Heather Powers – God has really shown me what being unhindered in my faith means, even from a roof. I have loved working hard but laughing and making new relationships and strengthening others at the same time (Oh, and I didn’t enjoy fiberglass!)
Robert Perniciaro– World Changers is definetly world changing and I think that they care about the people they’re helping.
Cameron Davis – The first day was incredibly easy and my crew rocked hard.
Braxton Barefoot – First day was fun because all my crew was open about their relationships with Christ and it just felt at home.
Alysha McConnell – Well, as far as work goes our group could have finished today with more ladders! But, seeing the look on Mr. Greene’s face made the weather, work and the whole week worth it. Plus- worship was great!
Hannah Hardy – World Changers… is world changing, enough said.
Kelsey MacKenzie – I love my crew. We came to know each other and it’s the first day… so many good memories I am getting from this! God is great!
Seth Hardy  – I love my crew! We’re just beast!
Amber Kauffman – Everyone helping and working hard for other people.
Taylor Ryder – When things go from bad to worse, we always find a way to have fun and smile.
Noah Merkousko – Liked the work, not the heat. Working for people that can’t do it.
Allie Mercado – Love my crew! Wonderful people. Just pray the family’s house cause their ceilings. Well lets just say there are none almost ;). Thank you! Love and God bless all!!!
Zach Wallace – I love my crew and all their help.
Halie Talbert – I love my crew. Good meeting new people and seeing new faces. Being busy is good ;). I like working hard to see the people (homeowners) happy! Also worship is great!
Freeder Blount – You will never know what it truly means to help some on less fortunate until you give yourself to God to be used a missionary.

First Day Reflections... Great Day!

It was pretty hot today (heat index of 100+!) but our crews did a great job! There was a pretty big storm that came through and cut the work short for some crews. Heather's crew is roofing and the storm blew the tarp off and so the house sprung a leak and the leak ended up making her ceiling collapse in three places! The  lady was not to happy about that. Tyler's crew encountered a hail storm and Tyler and Braxton found themselves on the roof alone during the midst of it trying to cover the exposed roof... they have quite a story to go with it.

Tonight we had a silent worship service and it was really awesome! The students (as well as the adults got a lot out of it!)

Here are some pics from today... I will be adding reflections from the students on their thoughts of the first day later tonight!

Thanks for your encouragrams and prayers- keep um coming!


Doug Taking a break on the site!

Cameron getting some painting done!

Silent Worship was AWESOME!!

Playing "Ninja" in the quad after Church Group Devotions!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

We Are Here! Great First Night!

We finally made it early this afternoon to Savannah State University. The dorms are not the nicest but still better than what most get on a mission trip! We checked in at the college but we had arrived too late to go to our dorms so we went to welcome celebration as we were- sweaty! We took a group pic (with everyone here) and then had a great time of worship- talking about being "Unhindered." We leave bright and early at 7am tomorrow for our work sites (we have to be at breakfast at 5!)... we'll see how the students react to getting up that early in the summer! More to come soon (including reactions from the students themselves!)